We've been thinking of a community where we can all exchange ideas, opinions, or simply have a friendly chat about LOOP Antenna.
We rely on all members to help keep these discussion forums a safe place for people to share and view information.
So, please treat other community members the way you would like to be treated: be courteous and respectful, stay on topic, share your knowledge.
We will remove any post that includes personal attacks, swearing or offensive language, non-constructive criticism or falsehoods. Such a poor behavior will result in losing the community posting privileges. Thank you for your time and your help!
This is now resolved, and rather embarrassingly it WAS a dodgy device, in spite of me supposedly checking everything! I did some direction finding with a world band portable radio tuned to 7.150, and went round the house and garden again.
What had been puzzling me was that the suspected culprit - a smart socket - didn't seem to be making a difference but the noise was still present when I switched it off completely.
I'd completely overlooked a cheap Chinese lithium battery charger, it was hidden away in a cupboard powered up (originally kept in there as the blue LED display was rather bright at night time).
Normal service is resumed as they say (and some important lessons learned). Amazing how much spurious RF such a small device can scatter such a distance!.