Dear All,
This morning I did some tests at 20 meters. During strong wind force 8 I noticed that I regularly have to tune the baby loop antenna again. Because of the strong wind it seems that the capacity has changed every time.
I also want to report that that the loop antenna is quiet compared to the End Fed antenna that I also use.
I would like to hear your experiences.
Thanks in advance!
I wish you all a happy new year.
73 Gerard PA7GMU
Antenna: Baby loop
Tuner 2.0 software version 3.20
Transceiver: IC-7410
Hi I have just joined , and have been reading with interest comments regarding connecting the bay loop to Flex radios, I have a version1 controller and will be up grading to version 2 shortly, in a recent storm my yaesu G250 rotator was damaged and needs replacing,g250 rotators are no longer being produced,
a Yaesu G450C seems to be the next choice, how ever it wont fit in the bracket I have,on the side of my pole, and will have to be fitted on the top of my pole which is on the garage roof 2 meters up from the roof floor, will I have to reduce my pole height to have the new loop height at 2 meters to the base of the loop ? comments or advice would be appreciated
Liam EI8HY